Saturday 4 June 2011

Knottallow Update

New stocking yesterday and were they corkers. Had previously chewed our suppliers ears about the size of the fish on previous stockings being a bit  on the small side. He's saved some of his better fish for us this time - all well over 13 inch and averaging a pound and a quarter.
What can we say about the weather? The last few weeks comments on the catch returns have had nothing but wind, wind, wind! Rod averages had got up to 3 and 4 previously, but slumped again to 1.5 to 2.
This sunny weather has brought out damsels, so try for them during the day when the fish get used to them. Evenings have also seen the start of the caenis hatches on the quieter nights. They are not called the anglers curse for nothing, but at least you know what they are feeding on. Small nymphs (16) and emergers work for me (not all the time!).
Tight lines.
Dave the Treasurer